Monthly Archives: August 2020

Our projects : Suzhou, China

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Today we have the pleasure to reveal one of our new projects !

This project is located in Suzhou in China ! It started this August 21st with the assembly of a reeducation pool of 5m by 4m. This reeducation pool has a clear pannel, which enables the professional to make sure that the patients are doing the right movements without any deformation. Also, this pool will be equipped with a built-in motorised treadmill and a filtration system of the water.

It is the third project that we do in China for our greatest pleasure ! Here two pictures of the starting of the project, we will share you more pictures in a few weeks to show how it is doing.

Discover our materials : Acrylic

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Here we are for a new article of our serie about the materials we use !

Today we will discuss about the main material of the hull of all our pools and baths : the acrylic.

Actually the word “acrylic” is a generic term to name a platstic polymer. We thermoform plates made of methyl methacrylate (MMA) reinforced with a PE foil.

Inter alia, this material :

  • has a great resistance to chemical substances (perfume, essential oil, cleaning product, aggressive water…),
  • has a closed structure, which does not present any pore, which prevent microorganisms from lodge and multiply in it,
  • is insensitive to temperature variations (no distortion = no leak),
  • is 100% recyclable.

In sum, this acrylic ensures the hygiene of the equipments by its simplicity of cleaning and its ultra-smooth surface. Which involve that our products are not covered with any coating because it is self sufficient to ensure a perfect hygiene.

Also, its thermoresistance ensure its longevity contrarily to liners, even reinforced, which loosen when they are heated and retract once cold.

Last, all its characteristics give several advantages for the hydrotherapy and thalassotherapy sector.

For example, this acrylic is used in several fields:

  • Architecture and construction,
  • Furniture and interior fittings,
  • Automotive and Transportation,
  • Visual communication and business layout,
  • Lighting,
  • Electronics,
  • Medicine, health and safety.

The following picture shows a massage table during its thermoforming.

Our products : Théma baths

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Hello everyone !
It is time to show you another product which will surprise you : the range of communicating baths THEMA.

They are customizable baths of balneotherapy / thalassotherapy ! The tank is made to give the best experience : built-in armrest, elevation of the legs, hydrotherapy injectors with more than 15 areas of impact possible etc.

This best-seller of wellness centres is compatible with aggressive water (marine, thermal etc.)

To learn more about the options, follow this link :


Our projects : Military Hospital of LAVERAN

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Hello and welcome in this serie about our projects that we have achieved thanks to your trust !

Today a small retrospective on one of our projects finished 2 months ago : the Military Hospital of LAVERAN (France).

This project started before the pandemic, and we are glad to have been able to finish it ! We have made and installed a rehabilitation pool of 5x3x1.2m with an overflow chute. This medical pool contains also a hydromassage kit, a counter-current path, a custom-made stair in stainless steel, a clear wall and a lift.

Here some pictures and congratulation to all the teams who worked on this beautiful project !

We are looking for our next collaborator !

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[At least a level B2 in French is required for this offer]

Poste : Technicien Itinérant Confirmé
Lieu : 34130, Mauguio, Occitanie, France
Type : Temps plein
Niveau : Confirmé

Fonction : Service clients, Secteur industrielle

Secteur de l’entreprise : Fabrication d’équipements pour les entreprises ; Fabrication d’équipements médicaux ; Santé, forme et bien-être

Acteur majeur mondial dans la fabrication d’équipements d’hydrothérapie, SOMETHY TECHNOLOGIE est une usine de fabrication faisant partie d’un groupe de plus de 130 employés. Cette dernière est implantée dans la région d’ Occitanie depuis sa création en 1978 à proximité de Montpellier. Spécialiste des équipements d’hydrothérapie à destination des stations thermales, thalasso, centres spa mais aussi hôpitaux, MAS, ADAPEI, IME, cabinets kiné, SOMETHY TECHNOLOGIE fabrique, achemine puis installe ses équipements en France et dans le monde. SOMETHY TECHNOLOGIE est à la recherche d’un Technicien SAV Itinérant. Sous la responsabilité du Responsable du service après-vente vous intègrerez une équipe de 3 techniciens.


  • Le Technicien Itinérant Confirmé (T.I.C.) doit assurer l’installation et la mise en service des équipements complets fabriqués en France et commercialisés presque partout dans le monde.
  • Il est capable de gérer et organiser son chantier en toute autonomie, de faire les réglages nécessaires et d’assumer les imprévus.
  • Il formera le personnel sur la machine, qui pourra être aussi bien l’opérateur, le technicien de maintenance que le responsable du site.
  • Intervenant directement depuis son domicile, il doit aussi assurer la maintenance et le SAV sur son secteur : il pourra être prescripteur de contrats de maintenance.
  • Il intervient en cas de panne identifiée ou non de la machine.
  • Il agit donc aussi bien dans un cadre préventif que curatif ainsi que l’installation et contrats de maintenance.
  • Autonome, il sait s’organiser sur son chantier et gère son temps et son activité. Son planning de travail lui sera communiqué par son rattachement hiérarchique.
  • Il travaille sur des chantiers, en intérieur et extérieur. Il est amené à travailler du lundi au vendredi sur son secteur et très occasionnellement à l’étranger. Il doit savoir gérer son chantier, assurer le relationnel et la bonne image de la société sur le terrain.


Autonome et débrouillard dans votre travail, vous bénéficiez d’une expérience de 4 ans dans le même domaine d’activité SAV Itinérant et vous possédez un permis de transport B afin de pouvoir intervenir chez les clients. Un véhicule vous sera fourni. L’anglais est un plus pour cette mission mais pas nécessaire.

Lieu de travail : Le technicien interviendra partout en France au départ de Montpellier.

Occasionnellement, des déplacements peuvent être réalisés à l’étranger (Russie, Moyen Orient, Chine, Afrique du Nord, DOM-TOM principalement).

Si vous souhaitez nous présenter votre profil, merci de cliquer ici.

Nous sommes pressés de faire votre connaissance !

Discover our materials : 316L Stainless Steel

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At SOMETHY TECHNOLOGIE, our priority is to produce and deliver, to the clients, products of quality. Indeed a product of quality goes with raw materials of quality.

For the sake of transparency, we are starting a serie of articles about the materials that we use in our factories.

This serie starts with the 316L Stainless Steel.

This alloy is used in the production of the following equipments :

  • Chassis of baths, technical array, holding arms etc.,
  • Pool accessories (Adjustable height floor, overflow channels, stairs, chairs, bubbling bench etc.),
  • Hydrotherapy equipment (affusion ramp, jet shower, thermal ovens etc.).

Its characteristics of exceptional strength make it the most suitable material for clean in place system (acid, lye, high temperature etc.).

No matter the type of water you use, the longevity and the sanitary quality of our products are ensured.

More precisely, the 316L Stainless Steel is an alloy of stainless steel very resistant to the corrosion. Thanks to its different components, it has a high strength to the corrosion in chlorinated environment but also sulphurous and saline.

Its homogenous microstructure gives its great manoeuvrability.

According several tests, it does not show any corrosion after an exposure of 200 hours to a salt mist, nor after an exposure of 48 hours to artificial sweat.

The 316L Stainless Steel is very used in several industries, such as the :

  • Transformation sector : equipments for chemical containers, transport units, heat exchangers and production of organic acids and fatty acids,
  • Maritime sector and shipbuilding : piping, pumps, valves, fittings and naval architecture,
  • Oil and gas sector : piping, valves, pumps, heat exchangers,
  • Mining sector : metal cloths,
  • Food sector : dairies.